Ajit Wadekar forgot that it was under john wright (a foreign coach) that we had the best victories and some very good series. Of course Wadekar might have been a good coach but I am not sure how many of the matches under Azhar's captaincy were 'really won'. Another point is that excepting Mohinder Amarnath, Wadekar only suggests other Maharashtra ex-players as coaches...is it that there is a Maharashtra quota for coaching the Indian team or what? I personally believe Sandeep Patil is a good choice bot otherwise, the coaches in India are not really professional. I don't understand this 'cultural' thing that people keep bringing up, that foreign coaches don't understand Indian culture and stuff...they are not paid to understand Indian culture for heaven's sake but to make the team a successful and professional outfit and I think John Wright was one of the best. Of course in olden days there was no need of a coach as the level of professionalism was less and that was true for all teams. Now, with the Aussies raising the bar, every team need to follow suit, if they want to have any hope of catching up. India winning some matches without coach now is because of the number of seniors in the team and once they start retiring, it may not be the same (of course 20-20 victory is an exception...)Instead of criticizing alone, ppl should have some patience and give the new coach some time to prove his worth.
RE:john wright
by Janavi Sundaresan on Dec 03, 2007 09:01 PM Permalink
But Greg Chappal was a disaster. He ruined the team and their morale. You cant assume all firangi coaches will be great. May be it is time to try Mohinder Amarnath or sandip Patil who coached Kenya and brought them to some level.Times are different today.Indians have learnt the importance of physical fitness and sports culture which was not there before. What john Wrigt brought to the team was stress on physical fitness, discipline and Team spirit. Now Indians have learnt all these and we can be sure Indian coaches would also have learned a lot in these years. I am praying that the South african coach will decline the offer. When Indians are shining as great managers and enterpreneurs why do doubt their coaching skills?