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suresh raina had to be dropped from selection squad
by prasad on Oct 31, 2006 11:52 AM   Permalink


It is rather strange move by INDIAN THINK TANK to select a player like suresh raina, not once but more than a couple of ocassions suresh raina ensured that he played like a test player in the slog overs, add to it he was not even comfortable in taking singles and rotate the batting, such biased decisions of choosing players like RAINA who are not even good at fielding will lead india to only 1 way i.e defeat even against teams like bangladesh and zimbabwe or canada,

if Suresh raina is taken in the final eleven against south africa in the one day matches then we can definitely witness some good test match practice session that too in the slog overs, any way its best left for Mr greg chappell and Mr Rahul Dravid
to look in to this aspect and ensure that Mr Raina understands the difference between one day game and test matches.
while its good to see kumble back in action,@ the same time romesh pawar should have been given a fair chance, pawar can also bat which could have been a welcome SIGN for indian batting


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