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RE:Where is India ?
by mohan on Jun 18, 2008 09:48 AM

Dear Sunil .. do you consider cricket as a true sport ? Barring exceptional guys like Kapil ( ace at golf, plays football, badminton etc ), Gooch, Johnty Rhodes, and South African greats, most of them do not have athletic skill and interests outside the lazy sport.

We have pampered cricketers. I'm not denying that they have shown results occasionally. But is it the results we want ? Anyday, I would prefer Vishwanathan Anand's staggering achievements, Prakash Padukone's All-England and Swedish Championship titles, and even our snooker/billiards champs. Recently Jeev achieved a Golf title.. do we know about it? A few years back Harikrishna, our chess prodigy was planning to quit chess as he did not get sponsorship ( he later got it ).. I still think we do not have a cogent Sports policy. No wonder we don't even get Limba Rams nowadays.

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