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RE:Dear Kaushik
by Kaushik Ganguli on Jun 13, 2008 04:07 PM

Germany lost due to sheer weight of numbers and the strain of fighting a war on two fronts.

Also, they were hamstrung in having a poor high command - Field Marshalls Keitel and Jodl who were unable to handle the generals under their command. Man for man, the Wehrmacht was the finest fighting force of all time.

I do not support Hitler..........I support the pride and honour that Germans lost in World War I and Hitler wanted to restore that and take revenge on countries like France and Poland.

France had devastated Germany in the Thirty years war (1618-48) and Poland had defeated the Teutonic Knights at Grunwald in 1410.

Hitler instead of targetting jews, should have befriended them, he would have won the war and we would have been fifty years ahead today. Germany's treatment of jews was far better than Russia or Poland.

The cream of the Wehrmacht consisted of men like Count Graf von Stauffenberg who were patriots to the core and men like Field Marshall Rommel who rose to the top of their profession despite being from a non military background. It is these men who are worthy of emulation. I trust I am clear.

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