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by ujjwal on Jun 13, 2008 10:16 AM

As an jermany supporter,
I find yesterday German is not playing his standard.

I have seen Turgen Klinsman,Rudi voiler,Matheus and ....
But yesterday they are not that level.
They are playing in middle but when attacking then they are loss the momentum in D box.

What happend with this jerman..
I am agree last 5 years German is not produce in world class striker. afer hattrick in WC close are not in seen as an clever attacker.

Previously, German is hate to loss they have won lots of matches in injury time.
They give opponent 1st 10 minutes for attcak and then after understanding thet oppponent they played accordingly to that level.
They only knows that attack and attack and they played for 11 man not for any star.


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Fearless Croatia shock Germany