Islam as a religion and muslims all over the world need good leadership who can guide them in a better way to get accomodated in the multi cultural, multilingual, multi religious world that is ever becoming smaller because of technological advances.
The main fear amongst others is the adamancy of Muslims consideing only Islam is the true religion and their ways from pre historic times to convert others to their religion by hook or crook. Every individual wants to practice his own faith and enjoy the freedom of conversion as per his will. Manu muslims do want to change their faith. But they are not allowed to do so. Many muslims want to bring out the true stories about Islam. But for fear they can not do so. Salman Rushdie is still living under fear for writing the truth. The fatwas from Muslim Ulema make the life of free and independant living muslims the most miserable.
The big talks of Islam as a growing religion is a myth. Allow the freedom of conversion and see hordes of muslims will come out of the prison called Islam. Mainly the women who live their life below human dignity. A small utterance criticizing Quran or Quranic verses and the man is in danger of his life. Islam is growing in this fear.
Second reason is their producing capacity. Every man marries four women and every women produces minimum five childre. Thus one man creates minimum 20 new muslims whether he is able to feed them or not. Others take responsibility of their children restricting to 1or2