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RE:Good Job
by keith pavlak on Apr 17, 2008 05:10 PM

Supporting tibet's right to protest is all fine...please remember, this could backfire big time on us...I dont think we should embarass a billion chinese.We plan to the host the common-wealth games soon...i'd like to know what our response would be if the Kashmiris start protesting or the people of assam,nagaland and manipur show dissent? Also, there is no real justification for this, there are other peaceful and not so peaceful independence movements going across the world which no one cares for or takes up...the tibetian cause all of a sudden takes center stage because the leader of the tibetian people is also a media rock star and hugely popular with the US, also the media likes to project tibet with its old world romanticsm.THERE IS no doubt that the Tibetan people are entitled to rule their own country, to nurture their unique culture, to promote their religious institutions and to prevent foreign settlers from submerging them.But are not the Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria entitled to the same? The inhabitants of Western Sahara, whose territory is occupied by Morocco? The Basques in Spain? The Corsicans off the coast of France? And the list is long.
Why do the world's media adopt one independence struggle, but often cynically ignore another independence struggle? What makes the blood of one Tibetan redder than the blood of a thousand Africans in East Congo?What then causes the International Media to discriminate?I support the tibetans but not ready to join demos.

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