A great news becomes news only after a cricketer joining the function. It is very sad. When V.Anand came to India after winning the Championship no one paid heed to this great achievement.When Sachin wishes Karthikeyan then people know what karthikeyan is and Dravid write s a column in favour of Federar then people try to know about federar. This is very shameful that a country which has many talent in every sports but people dont pay any attention towards them. Cricket is a lazy persons game. Only under developed or developing country involve in it. If you say That England is developed nation then see the ratio of development. Industrial revolution was started and as per the situation they must be on No.1. And Australia is not a developed nation.
Cricket is the main culprit behind the least development of this country. It only kill the time. This is the most time taking game in the world.Even 20-20 takes 3 and half hour to finish.