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RE:Interaction , the bane of Indian society
by naga naga on Mar 09, 2007 11:45 AM

One solution for developing any sport is coaching the coach how to coach.

Once I aspired to bcom a tennis player like Leander Paes but that not happened.I will tell the reasons,

1. bad skills - No proper coach
2. I had no power at all (didnt take protein rich food,didnt do specific exercises)
3. Not adequate courts.In a single court more than 30 wil b training.
4. Lastly - Learning tennis is a costly thing.A single raquet costs around 3000 rupees and training per month in a moderate city like coimbatore is Rs 500.

If a game has to flourish, adequate grounds,knowledgeable coach and money (either from learners or government funding) are required.

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'Indian hockey lacking in skill'