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epl haha
by sampath on Sep 10, 2006 05:06 AM

epl is a joke of a all u dumbos out there (rediff with segments like these is surely at the top of the list!) la liga is the best..does anyone even follow primera liga? coz seems to me u r tlkin abt football..well news for all u ppl..they play headball (and the ball goes back n forth as in ping pong) in epl not football...the less said abt tinpot clubs like lpool arsenal utd chelsea the better...real madrid, barca, ac milan, internazionale, juventus, bayern munchen, ajax are the truly grt clubs...come to think of it el madrid is the grtest club in the world not just in football..yankees etal can take a la liga n serie A where the big boys play..adios n ciao...

ps:no hard feelings but all this is just common sense. of course it aint all that common. when can we have small mercies like ppl who can think n not just follow the herd? and some sense of wat football is and how it shud be played? joga bonito anyone?

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