Contractor, I am sure you are one of those so called secular, who is always against BJP, and term them communal, you being one :) Anyways, to answer your queries, BJP is an EMERGING party in Indian politics. Any party's idealogy isn constant, and it is bound to change with time. Although BJP initially campaigned on Ram mandir, now Country and its development are high priority. As far I have seen, at present BJP is truely secular. Although small section in it arent happy with this new change, they have to adopt. So we could see many candidates migrating to Congress in this election. Comming to your point, the money collected is either mis-used or funded to some good cause. I am not bothered with this, as we need to look forward. Developement must be in our agenda than crying over past. At this moment, stabilising the Indian politics/economy must be high into their profile. And I am not surprised seeing some people like you still around, who cook their food on dividing Hindu/Muslim. Afterall, what can adung headed person like you think more?