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RE:BJP's Achievements!!
by hitesh sharma on May 26, 2008 09:29 AM


The above is nothing compared to what Congress has done...

Parlaiment attacked: Congress was lax on terroist and it could not be undone by BJP what Congress had encouraged for long.

Kandhar: BJP had to save them...moreover the plane was hojacked from was very difficult situation.

moves entire indiam army to pakistan border : India was not shamed... rather it proved ath we our HISS is enough for the enemies.

- oversaw gujarat riots post godhra : you think its shameful blot... but Gujrat does not think so... Modi wins again.

praised jinnah : Advani was quoted in wrong context... anyway whats the harm in apprecaiting someone

shaking hands with musharraf : It was nawaz sharrif.... hey BJP is Hindu party... they trust people... You are right they should not trust MuslimPakis....

Why is Congress not Hanging Afzal Guru?????

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