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NDA government possible - Maya, Jaya to hold remote
by Astute Analyst on May 25, 2008 06:47 PM

Now after the Karnataka election Victory, the NDA has a clear upper hand over UPA in 2009 elections. The greatest challenge for BJP is to counter the anti-incumbency in MP, Rajasthan & Chhattisgarh. We shall see before the end of 2008 how well BJP tackles the anti-incumbency in these states. But my sense is that it will retain Chhattisgarh, lose Rajasthan and MP can go either way depending on how many SC votes BSP takes away from Congress. Overall if these predictions come true, NDA is likely to cross 200 mark in 2009 Lok Sabha elections. With the support of 40-45 seats from Mayawati and 20 seats from Jayalalitha, NDA will form a government. So the remote control will go into the hands of the two ambitious ladies from the ideologically rigid left parties.

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