in the interview given on CNN IBN aarushi's mom jumbeled twice...the things to note are following 1. now her mom is saying that she and her hubby discovered the body together.initially it ws told that she n the maid discovered the body. this is driven by lawyers to prove on the later stage that there is a conflict in the statement given by aarushi's mom n the maid.(i shld say very carefully designed strategy) 2. In the interview aarushi's mom cried.just check it out...anyone can say she is really bad at acting. it was a total FAKE. 3. The most important of all twice is the interview she said that""since aarushi's death i have not been able to live happily"" """ after aarushi's death i have not been live happily""" and on both times she corrected herself n instead of happliy she said normally..... .....when we do somethng wrong our body n language speaks it all just we need to catch it carefully.