There are so many similar questions that need to be answered by the family. The whole question is why police just believed in what Talwars said and did not seal the site of crime. Were they bribed and asked to keep quiet? According to their helper, both were awake when she arrived - why had they not called police or neighbours? How did they know Hemaraj had killed their daughter? According to their maid again, once she went in, Mrs. Talwar mentions look what Hemaraj had done. How were they so sure of Hemaraj's hand when they had not even tried to locate him. Hemaraj's phone being received once the same day, also may be a master plan to say, see we were trying to reach Hemaraj, he picked up the phone once and then he is not picking up or switched off. Probably the plan was to dispose off Hemaraj's body somewhere and tell the world, Hemaraj killed Arushi and Hemaraj would have gone unnoticed or unheard.