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RE:not a Hero...take it ez
by Manisha Jayakar on Aug 02, 2007 10:51 AM

My FRIEND in the film industry until you are in lime light every one will be with you but once you are out of that light no one care for you, How many of the old actor/actress you know now who are out of the lime light, HoWare they living, what are they doing????

We only hear when the death news comes on the TV.

Think before you pass the judgement, you can ruine someones life for just setting up an example in the society.

He has not killed anyone, he might be under pressure If anyone point a gun on your family and tell you to do the same thing that Sanjay did WILL YOU NOT DO IT?????????

The court has not consider his circumstance or why he did this they have straight away given punishment for his fault and to set the example in the society, which is not fair.

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