mr tauseef what u have pointed out all the points are correct but one thing which grossly divides us is that in muslim religion , religion comes first nad never the nation and in hindu culture nation comes first and then religion and the previleges which islam provides are some of them dont contribute to nation building like large family sizes , number of marriages is not a problem in a way it provides security to women accepted but it leads to large family sizes, poverty ilitracy so every thing follows and these are just few things which dont gel well with both the religion and other religious practises like cow slaughteriing, barring religious conversions are totally unrational arguments by hindus but one thing is clear we all are heading for self destruction with out relising that there can only be one god whether it s alla , rama or jesus because there are plent of evidenses that there can only be one god and only that we foolish enough not to accept that and live peacefully.