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1993 -Blast
by Sekaran Ramachandran on Aug 01, 2007 03:01 PM

The root-cause is politicians provking remarks as a result of which act was put in and the innocents and the criminals are punished and harassed but the politicians are enjoying the scene. Is is really justified. This apart the Judge said ' I have taken away only your 6 years and continue to act for 100 years'. It is like saying that 'one has two eyes, two ears, two legs and so on and I have taken away your only two eyes and the rest of the organs are intact in your body and you can lead a good life.' Probably no further imagination on the part of the learned judge before giving the verdict or perhaps before passing the remarks as stated above. Anyway the punishment is Very Very Harsh. If one is in the shoes, then will realize it - perhaps.

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