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Wild goose chase.
by Pakkiri on May 30, 2008 04:24 PM

The UP Police is on a wild goose chase. See, till a couple of days back the police were every where - on TV channels, news papers... and they were looking ugly. Now the idiots are keeping their mouth shut and looking handsome.

Without taking the name, the DCP of Noida Mr. ASG, has been awarded the `Sherlock Holmes on the Year' award for cracking the aarushi murder case. The award carries a prize of a transfer to Ballia and surrender of four increments.

Later speaking to the media the DCP said that he solved the murder mystery single handedly. He did not know how to use the other hand.

That's UP Police. I feel that if all the police kept themselves to their chairs, indulged in their favourite pass time of fa*ting and let the police dogs do an independent investigation, the case would have been solved by now.

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Police brings Dr Talwar to Hardwar