this is not local issue mr. peanut-brain. it has huge social and personal ramifications. if the case turns out to be false (which is most likely the case), it shows the state of our police. It shows that we have entrusted the security of our socity in the hands of the people who themselves are a menance to the society. One would think 1000 times now before going to the police for any reason, coz this police can now put you behind the bar for letting the crime happen against you. If we don't check this demon now, it'll be too late and tomorrow it could be you, me or any one of us. If the case turns out to be true, it presents a huge question in front of society on its life-style. If we don't confront these questions now, be are condemned to face more such cases in future. this case should awake a part of all of us for introspection.