the version of the police can be believed only partly. assume rajesh has an affair. his daughter knows it. since how long? why was he silent till now? unless somethig concrete can be proven of that particular night, one cant arrive at conclusion. even if rajesh had an affair, this may not be the cause of murder at all. after all rajesh has not confessed it. then who told this nice story? even if arushi knew about the affair, why rajesh would kill her? what was she threatening about? there is another angle to it. today teenagers are sort of out of control. the mms story is another aspect. why would rajesh slit the throat? he was a doctor, could have poisoned her. further if hemraj had seen him, he could have ended his duties. why kill anybody? further, when he went upstairs to kill hemraj, arushi could have locked herself inside the room or escaped. why would she wait for her dad to finish the drink? did anyone hear the cry of hemraj being killed on the roof? no.