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HYPER MEDIA takes over judicial territory!
by Krish Koundy on May 24, 2008 11:32 AM

Its not just irresponsible but also highly ridiculous on part of the police and media to charge citizen with this kind of allegations. Police can suspect any angle and investigate, but how can they tell the the media and entire world that two adults are having illicit affairs with bothering to show any proof? Even if it is true, it has to be proved int he court first. On part of sex starved media-which is, always on the look out such juicy stories, will not care for the dignity and safety of people before airing such stories. I think that Durrani couple must charge both polcie and media for destroying their mental peace and dignity. They must fight event it takes life ime to settle it in the court.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Noida case: Durranis reject charges