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Grooss Negligence....
by Rajesh Shetty on May 24, 2008 11:41 AM

Now I think the public should take the statements of the police with a pinch of salt.
Its beyond imagination that a body in not discovered close to the scene of the crime for almost 2 days ! That speaks for the application the cops have in general when it comes to most cases involving a common man. The passionate inquistiveness of a detective is clearly missing here, and reflects poorly on the investigation methods used by the police. Unless criminal investigation is not raised to the level of a engg. or medical degree, lack of evidence, forensic or otherwise, will always result in criminals going scot-free. Here the focus should be more on the killers involved rather than merely the motive. The motive could range from honour killing to extra marital affair, or maybe in order to suppress indigestible facts, the real truth might never come out. As far as evidence points out, it is more likely an insider job. Use of surgical weapon itself, and the precision slitting of the right nerves, itself provides many answers.
The servant was murdered half an hour before according to post-mortem reports, and blood stains trails on the staircase leading up, shows that the murder could have taken place below and the body later taken upstairs. Such a murder does not look pre-planned, looks more like in the heat of the moment. Maybe after the 1st murder, the body was taken upstairs. Later he might have turned his ire on his daughter. Honour killing can surely not be ruled out...

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