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Detective Angle
by Stranger on May 25, 2008 01:23 AM

There are three logical conclusions:

1. Either Talwar and Durrani's used to have a wild orgy in nights both couples together. This is the reason why they locked out their kid every night.
2. Dr. Death used to have threesome with Durrani (female) and his wife.

3. Rajesh Talwar was having an affair with the servant Hemraj.

Kid must have come to know. Kid and Servant must be sharing this when Dr Death saw them together. He must have killed one of them in heat of moment (most likely servant) and dragged his body upstairs which explains blood stains. Later to cover up he must have killed kid as well. To his wife, Dr Death must have cooked up story of servant and kid in compromising position. That explains her silence. But the biggest joker in all this episode turns out to be the IG who murdered somebody named Shruti and Shahruki in front of millions of viewers.

In the end if Mr. Durrani was not involved, he must be going through a lot of trauma. I saw him on TV and he was speechless and didn't speak to any reporter.

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Noida case: Durranis reject charges