Case 1 Doc having extra marital affair. Child comes to know. So? His wife knowing should be of more concern. Killing his wife made sense. Why kill the child? If the child was protesting all you need to do is to bundle her to relatives or boarding school.
Case 2 Wife swapping happening and child comes to know. Solution as in case 1. Why kill the child?
Case 3 Over sexed child. The guy is a doc. Should get a shrink for his daughter and/or send her to a strict all girls boarding school. Why kill the child?
Case 4 House hand caught with child in "la flagrante". Killing the house hand makes sense. Why kill the child? Seek professional help for child, send her to all girls boarding school. Come to think of if, why should the 14 year old use the house hand to satisfy her urges, she could have got any smart chap. Seems too far fetched.
May the dead be at peace.
UP police cannot solve this. They are a bunch of imbecile morons. Just look at the way their head honcho, the brainless sardar was talking. Just imagine we trust our security on this bunch of sub human intelligence led criminals.