How some so called %u201Chumans%u201D can be a terror to the existence of humankind? I feel realy pity and sad for those who have completely misunderstood the beautiful existence of this world and are been misleaded by a few to create terror in this planet. Now it%u2019s enough of feeling upset and praying to God to give right direction to those who are killing innocent people everyday INSTEAD its time to stand up united against these terror forces and take immediate strict actions. I am realy moved from the JAIPUR BLASTS of May 13th, 2008. Its not that before Jaipur it was acceptable but we have waited enough remaining silent and living on the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi%u2019s theory of peace. I respect the teaching of Mahatma Gandhi from the core of my soul but they are applicable for the people who have hearts inside them and do wrong things because they are misguided, they can never be applicable for genocides. These people do not belong to any religion, they are the faces of evils. Let me define you %u201CEVIL%u201D, something that is a threat to peaceful existence of humankind. In all the religions the EVIL has to be crushed STRICTLY for the betterment of this Globe and to help its survival. EVERY RELIGION TEACHES US TO BE HUMANS FIRST AND FOLLOW PEACE WITHOUT HURTING