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RE:who is communal?
by Kris iyer on May 16, 2008 01:00 PM

Good information, thanks. I have read Arun Shourie's "Eminent Historians". It is well-researched. His account and his analysis have never been answered by the Marxist-Mullah combine that is sitting in many New Delhi outfits, some of them government-funded. Their distortion of Indian history will go down as the worst crime against the country. The mindless English-language media are overwhelmed by the political correctness the Leftists have weaved during the last 50 years.
Young Indians must steer well away from the writings of these people from the Institute of Historical Research. Why? Because it is history with one agenda - a wholly Marxist interpretation of Indian history. False history that simplifies the complex experience of the people of India under their rulers, from Mauryan times through to Babur, Akbar, Aurangazeb to the British. It is easy history they wrote, without pain, of having to look at the moghul-era documents. Arun Shourie took the trouble to look at them. So did Francoise Gautier, a French scholar. The leftist historians ignored many documents of great revelations, because they did not show history as the leftist wanted it.

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