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RE:Stand United against Terror
by Tarun Srivastava on May 16, 2008 01:15 PM

ANYONE ELSE. THIS IS FOR WHAT THE WORLD HAS BEEN CREATED %u201CPEACE and LOVE%u201D! And for those, who spread terror by killing innocent peace loving people, only one punishment is appropriate and that is %u201CElimination%u201D. If any human rights activist has problem with it, then PLEASE DON%u2019T CALL YOURSELF HUMAN RIGHT ACTIVICTS AS NO HUMAN CAN KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO HE/SHE DON%u2019T EVEN KNOW! YOU ARE ACTUALY SAVING EVIL THAT ONE DAY WILL DESTROY THIS HUMANKIND.
Peaceful agitations are applicable to make your voice getting heard to major sections of intelligent people and to the ruling Government%u2019s, so that the necessary steps should be taken to save human values and rights or solve any reasonable issues but terrorism can never be dealt peacefully. It needs strict actions and punishments.

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