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thank you Mr. Kiyani....
by Golden on Mar 29, 2008 07:47 AM

thank you Mr. Kiyani, i can understand that how much you have made effort to push the pakistan towards true islamic values and come out of the grip of this bush-mush dirty combination.
your ideas towards islam and your feeling is very much appreciating. your effort in the fair poll is just amazing and the result is before us otherwise this USA servant would have created havoc and shown to the world that he is liked by every one in the pakistan. now just make sure that this USA servant is impeached and hung.
i am just waiting when pakistan comes on the track where it was derailed. i still remember that just a few months before coup nawaz sharif had announce that he will implement shariya law and USA rat removed him as they dont like it but pakistan has clearly shown their desire for shariya by giving lives after lives.
the amount of polling even after serial blasts after blasts is telling how much pakistan is ready to revolt. it was on the verge of revolution but big was replaced by a small one and i am sure all the USA rats will be sent to death so that pakistan can grow and become super power. dont care any body if you are righ, you must gain success, one the vital rule of nature.

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