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Rahul is correct
by sachin shinde on Mar 26, 2008 04:42 PM

This is exactly what Indian politics need at the moment. Please before adding your comment just do bit of a analysis first. Look at the world politics most of the Presidents, PM's and MP's are young and well educated. What we need to do is to make elderlies as Advisers and let youngsters lead with their high energy and contemporary education/knowledge.

My friend Vishwamitra I live in UK I know how the older generation lives here. Older people in India are much better placed and helped than here. Please don't underestimate our strengths. If you don't believe on it then how are you going to improve the system. Its easy to point fingers what we need is to very individual has to start from himself.

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Rahul, Cong's Dhoni, says youth is futur