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Rahul, Cong's Dhoni, says youth is future
by sunder on Mar 26, 2008 02:58 PM

Quote"Youth should ask the question: When there is democracy in poll booth, why does it not exist in political parties", Rahul, who is on a four-day tour of Karnataka, asked at a function at Nanjangud in Mysore on Tuesday.

"No body is asking this "fundamental question... why is it that in a democratic country where everybody has vote, the same spirit is missing in political parties," he said
I think instead of asking this question to others Rahul should ask this question himself.If he would not have been son of Rajiv,he would have NoBODY in the Congrss Party.
In Congress there is No derth of Hypocrites.

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Rahul, Cong's Dhoni, says youth is futur