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My Suggestion
by Neutral on Mar 26, 2008 04:33 PM

Hi Rediff,

Enough of your focus on Rahul. If you do not have any news, its Ok. Please as a 3rd person observe your news : Rahul is Dhoni.
Rahul takes ragi roti
Rahul meets Priyanka..
etc and all other stuff.
Do you feel that these are all highlights.

I would suggest you to have another website

You can focus on the following:
1. What toothpaste rahul uses
2. What soap he uses
3. How many times he takes tea per day
4. His favourite food
5. How many countries he toured
You can also debate on the following
"Is it better to compare Rahul with Dhoni or with Ishant Sharma"

Enough of Rahul in the main page.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Rahul, Cong's Dhoni, says youth is futur