If change in China's politicians takes a while longer, it will be preceeded by internal change in concerned world voters and consumers. Each dollar of increase in trade is placing China deeper into the connected world, where increasingly every tiny event affects somwhere else, particularly disruptive ones. History Educated consumers are growingly aware of human rights and its violations... that' why we are now focusing on cultural respect,'harmonious sciety', and not just death tolls. At some point, we'll sum things up and realise that world income and happiness indexes are not as high as they could be... because of some old-fashioned tough politicians keep playing by rules that not longer produce valuable effects, not for today's criteria, obviously even less for future developments. I even seriously doubt, by today's chineese standars, that Hu Jintao's tough legacy could be an effective example to follow by anyone wanting to ascend in China's ruling party. Jintao's success was to be in tune with his environment back then. Nowadays growth is altering everything and so aspiring politicians should emulate that tunning, not the particular policies applied back then.