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views of OSHO on TIBET
by srinivas sunkar on Mar 25, 2008 12:59 PM

" The only country in the world which has devoted all its genius to the inner exploration is Tibet. Its findings are of tremendous value. But unfortunately, Tibet has fallen into a darkness. Its monasteries have been closed, its seekers of truth have been forced to work in labor camps. The only country in the world which was working -- a one-pointed genius, all its intelligence in the search for one's own interiority and its treasures -- has been stopped by the communist invasion of Tibet.
"It was such a beautiful experiment, and Tibet had no weapons to fight with, they had no army to fight; they had never thought about it. Their whole thing was an introverted pilgrimage.
"Nowhere has such concentrated effort been made to discover man's being. Every family in Tibet used to give their eldest son to some monastery where he was to meditate and grow closer to awakening. It was a joy to every family that at least one of them was wholeheartedly working on the inner being.
"These monasteries had no comparison in the whole world. These monasteries were concerned with only one thing: to make you aware of yourself.
Thousands of devices have been created down the centuries so that your lotus can blossom and you can find your ultimate treasure. The destruction of Tibet should be known in history, particularly when man becomes a little more aware and humanity a little more humane..."

Excerpted from `Om Mani Padme Hum'


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Tibet row: Protestors kills cop