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Buddhism and hinduism are friendly religions
by Uania Ruani on Mar 27, 2008 03:36 AM

Hinduism and buddhism are good religions because they do not
require human or animal sacrifices to please their gods.

Most of the christians and muslims are terrorists because they believe
that the most sure way to please their gods is by killing humans and
animals as sacrifices.
Jews are less evil because they believe in killing animals only as
And none of them believe in offering vegetarian things to their

In the last 300 years alone western-white-christians have killed or
murdered atleast 200 million people, and muslims atleast 30 million.

Now the western-white-christians' plan is to kill or murder every body
except themselves because they still consider themselves as superior to
every body else, and also deserving of the whole earth for themselves
Muslims are similar.

For proof go to

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Making sense of the Tibetan imbroglio