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India is a peace loving country
by mallaiah anchoori on Mar 14, 2008 11:41 PM

War could never be an option between the two countries even while they do not turn nuclear powers.Peace is a thing which is being bought by India whenever the Pak troops instigate and intrude into Indian territory.We are always for peace and had only reacted all times whenever the alien country chose to disturb the tranquility.It is almost 60 years back that the country was divided on communal/religion basis and still the grudges,spite continue and issues remain unsettled mainly because Pakisthan does not want the fire to extinguish for the reasons best known to it.Terrorism is not new to Pak;it was on its full swing even before the trouble in Afghanisthan and it it only an eye wash when Mr Syed said they have terrorism because of Afghanisthan.It is some thing like attributing rise in petrol price for each and every thing of life.Sayed indirectly admits that their animosity with India still continues when he said that India is not seen as enemy number one owing to problems in Afghanisthan taking centre stage.He means that their line of enemity with India shrinked to smaller on account of the bigger line of Afghanisthan problem coexisting side by.In any case,it should be clearly understood by all concerned that India does not lack in any thing to give a befitting reply to Pak as and when situation warrants.Peaceful coexistence is our country's fundamental principle and those who attempt to transgress that and disturb would certainly be taught proper lessons.

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'War between India, Pak not an option'