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Maoist or CPI(M)
by kalyan chaubey on Mar 04, 2008 07:00 PM

It is an old tactics of the communists in Bengal. When they are going to something wrong, start shouting that the opposition is doing it. In front of my eyes they severely beat an opposition candidate while shouting \"dacoit, dacoit\" to distract peoples\' mind. This time they are trying to enter and shouting \"maoist, maoist\". When there is a popular procession against them led by the intellectuals in Kolkata and it was termed as \"civil society\", got popular support, suddenly a new \"civil society\" appeared in many parts of Bengal. It was CPM\'s cadres who started taking haftas, doing extortions, beating people and pasting obnoxious posters written under \"the civil society\". To put bad name to the opposition. Everybody except our PM is understanding this nowadays. There was a deadbody found in Nandigram whose face was severely distorted. But by the dress and other things, the wife of the person recognized him. It was subsequently proved that it was the dead body of a farmer of BUPC, the protestors against CPM land acquitioners. But because the face could not be recognized and there was confused, CPM sent two of their women party members to claim that it was the dead body of their lost husbands. Later it was revealed that the husbands of these women died while they were preparing bombs to hit the BUPC members. Please do not believe commies. They have taken this \"false talk\" to a state of art. Maoists or Marxists, they are all communists. Se

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'Maoist trying to re-enter Nandigram'