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RE:Request for reply to all my country fellowman
by Govinda on Jun 30, 2008 08:07 AM

In India earlier majority was of those who acted in the interest of nation. Later the power went in to hands of rascals who had nothing to do with national interest except self gain. Tremendous Loan from International Finanace Sources were taken by the Govt for which Nation stood as security. While the utilisation of funds was to fill the pockets of few. No cotrol on that. So a big loby got formed who know being with govt how to make monaey. So for them CHAIR is more important than NATION. Now it is a well spread CANCER - which can not be easily cured. Need revolution. TIME WILL DECIDE THAT. If you can form a strong NATIONALIST GROUP - START DOING SOMETHIG WHAT YOU CAN - THATS ALL -

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