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Indian Moon Mission
by SURESH NARASIMHAN on Jun 20, 2008 03:39 PM

Dear Stupids and idiots,

Please stop this nonsense rubbish comments .You idiots you can't appreciate good things in country. You idiots cannot solve the problem of india, I don't understand what type of rubbish you make.People who are not interested in our space achievements can go to hell and people who is talking rubbish can get out of India. You idiots talk about poor and poverty,but you do nothing for our poor brothers.Since India is Democratic country here all idiots are talking as they wish. India and its people are not different constituents.You stupid and idiots talk about development but something is done innovatively you talk rubbish. I don't expect you vaguebond to appreciate but can keep your mouth shut. I know you people do nothing for our country your mouth gets opened indefinitely. You idiots will talk about poor and unfortunate people but you will never ever will intend to help people suffering. If you people really concerned about poor people go and help those people. Don't think smart about yourselves and blame government for bad things happening in our country, every citizen has got responsibilty in it. If you could do that you idiots can get out of our country instead of spoiling our country.


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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
India''s mission to moon takes off in Sep