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singhing songs of resignation
by Sanjay on Jun 20, 2008 09:13 AM

Well, Left has been threatening the Congress bosses that it would take back its support on the N-thing - but only whiling away time to reach as close as possible to the 5-year mark. ONe one hand, we must cling on to power as long as possible and, at the same, time, have something to shopw to people when we eventually go to polls, sooner or later. And, Congress is no different - just get some reason that would make the gullible lot believe them and vote for them, again. Bottomline is the same for all the political parties - how to keep people, media that is willing to be used is there anyway, guessing about the early poll and how best we can make use of the available time to retain or regain power.

``N-thing, fuel, inflation, public health...all that can wait...whatever happens it is the people who suffer, let them. They are no better now, anyway!'' That is our esteemed parties' philosophy.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Prime minister may resign over n-deal