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entrepreneurship 1991 till date
by rajeev tiwari on Jun 20, 2008 08:23 AM

it is right move to leave the post as a prime minister if an important deal is not presented in proper manner before the party,allies,nation and world community before signing it and its importance to nation has not been highlighted by the scientific community business houses administration academic community and unwillingness of people of india who donot feel closer to the world most powerful nation due to difference in value system and lobbies which govern both the nation are lacking in vision credibility will power administrative and political acumen and sincerity of purpose
there are great leaders available to lead the nation if they are nominated by Ms Sonia Gandhi
the U.P.A chairperson with all qualities to manage the transformation of economy with young generation as supporters and grace of mother india to direct the nation as director shrine consultancy services

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal