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Yechury & Karat are against Indias progress & energy security!!
by S Narain on Jun 20, 2008 08:45 PM

Yechury & Karat like traitors should be made naked & exposed of their evil design

Pakistan is going ahead with nuclear deal with China for their Kahuta plant...the emnemies of India & base for terrorism in the world..

Fellows like Yechury & Karat support that!!!

The same deal of paki is never opposed by Karat & co... in fact they support the deal as they are traitors..

Yechury & Karat never won even a municipal election and plotted to throw out the vetran leader Jyoti Basu from Politbureau of CPM ..
They are not only antinational but also antiBengal/ Kerala from where these rootless fellows draw power .. by fooling the illiterate men of these states..

These fellows have befooled the gullible Bongs & showed finger like Greg Chappel to Somnath Da when he wanted to contest vice President post...CPM is power by Bengal but all plum position are hijacked by rootless fellows like Yechury & Karat...

What a great fooling to bongs !!!!the so called intellectuals

Wake up India& wake up bengal /Kerala before it is too late ,,

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal