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Why P.M.should resign?
by Bishwa NathSingh on Jun 20, 2008 02:44 PM

Truly speaking, none of the political parties want Parliamentary Election to be held soon after fall of the Union Govt. lead by Dr.Singh after withdrawing support of Left Parties.All of them want that the UPA lead Union Govt.& Parliament should complete its full term including left parties as well. So, all the stalwarts of UPA lead Union Govt.will try to find ways & means hard for it and see that nuclear deal issue may defer for time-being till they find ways & means to save the prestige of the UPA lead Union Govt. as well as deal issue too. Nevertheless to mention, it is an old saying that let stick not be broken & snake dies. It is the same thing that the politicians will do. Let us wait & watch its outcome!

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal