I am very happy with the stand Mr.Singh has taken. What I want to tell all our people pampered by govt subsidies that, in todays situation Petroleum fuel- Water, Nuclear energey - Roti and Nuclear bomb - Chicken curry. Now water is getting scarce and too expensive, you do not have Roti to eat. First secure and consume more Roti, use less water and conserve it. Once you have attained self sufficiency in these then go for Chicken curry. Now if you go for Chicken curry, you will not get Roti and will depend on water and it will become 1000/litle in future and ultimately you will not be left with anything. No uranium for nuclear bomb, no nuclear energy and no petrol. Think India think, you do not have any other option. You are not a china to have secured all fuel wells in the african countries, you are not a Pakistan to have backing of oil producing country, you are no a US to have... do I need to mention?