For one so eminently qualified and well versed in aspects of governance, it must be quite an unenviable experience for Dr Manmohan Singh to be at the helm of affairs in governing this problem ridden country. Made worse with an inadequately bunched Congress in Parliament propped up by several idealogically disparate parties, thrown into an uneasy allegiance, to keep a marriage of inconvenience branded UPA running. Also, in the first place, thanks to Chairperson Soniaji's right or may be wrong decision not to be the PM, Dr. Singh came in, with the quite unnecessarily thrust image of a shadow PM of sorts, which meant his authority was considerably eroded from the beginning, with every one apparently feeling the actual governing was done by Soniaji!Though that may not have been true! Managing the other issues itself was a problem of sorts in these highly inflationary and difficult times, but the Nuclear Deal issue was always the Sword of Damocles menacingly hanging over Dr Singh's head, and the Leftists were constantly holding the gun (of withdrawing support) and threatening! Probably, quite unexpectedly Mayawatiji has fired the first shots and parted from UPA for some odd reasons - that is 17 down! May be the count down has begun. One can understand the PM's apprehensions and uncertainties!
But I am not sure at all that the right solution is in his quitting as PM. What is that going to achieve? Instead it will complicate things more for the "aam aadmis" over the next few mon