At last wisdom has dawned on our PM! There have been innumerable occasions in the past when he should have resigned. He has been humiliated by his own party President, by his colleagues, by the leaders of his allies and by the Communists. Even when the principles he stood for were trampled upon by those around him, he clung on to his kurchi (Chair). But now, with the term of the UPA Government almost nearing its end, wisdom has dawned on our PM to take a call on the nuclear deal and resign! Perhaps he expects some sympathy votes for himself and the Congress. Our PM should realise that there is no sympathy left for him as a PM (I am not questioning his integrity as a person)as he has allowed all and sundry around him to run rough shod over him. He was never assertive and is one of our weakest Prime Ministers. And coupled with a good for nothing President, it is a miracle that our democracy is still a functioning democracy. The reason is `in spite of' and not `because of'!