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by Proud Hindustani on Jun 21, 2008 08:58 AM

I just read an of a trip by Vijay Tarun and my eyes teared up. NOW we have to be allowed by China to visit the home of our most beloved Avatar Lord Shiva. Since it falls in Tibet, under Chinas control.

This is the price we and our children and grandchildren have to pay for Nehru's folly.

India MUST support the International community to free Tibet, or al least allow Indians unrestricted movements to OUR holy sthans.

Sonia should NOT be allowed to visit the Pope and Rome by the same token and Muslims to Mecca and sikhs to the Golden temple.

This is the height of insult. Increase the defence budget to 5% of GDP for the next 5 years.

Read the article and your blood will boil.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal