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RE:Trust Politicians to not let India Progress
by SANJAY GUHATHAKURTA on Jun 20, 2008 04:42 AM

Mr./Ms.Shukla, firstly how much do YOU think about the country? And secondly, how much do you know about the nuclear deal before you make the conclusion? You think that signing the nuclear deal will solve India's problems? Wrong. It will solve US's problems than ours. And its quite clear to see. However, the US isn't going to gain much by letting India nuclear fuel. The bigger picture is that US wants to CONTROL India's nuclear resources. Just like they do to Kuwait or Iraq. Maybe not in such a crude manner, but in one way or the other.

If the nuclear deal was so simple and India benefiting right and left, there would have been no complications at all. But unfortunately its more complex than you realise, Mr./Ms.Shukla.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal