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RE:Trust Politicians to not let India Progress
by gatzzz on Jun 20, 2008 04:20 AM

I think you don't have your facts straightened out. You probably don't even have a clue to the reason for this N-deal and the circumstances in which it was initiated. It was a mutual initiation between India and US and Mr Manmohan Singh had played a critical role in getting this deal to where it is now.

US doesn't has a need to beg India for anything. They have an economy which is 5 times the size of India. They have huge natural resources, best technology and are an emminent superpower in the current world. They have their own interests giving India this priviledge and India has its own. It is a win-win situation for both the countries. India is not a third world country anymore to be a slave to any other country. It is a major force in the world and will continue to be. No other country wants a bad relation with India (except for our dear old neighbours from ages).

With US lifting off the sanctions, India is free to purchase technology and fuel from whereever it likes to do. This is evident from the fact that the top fission tech manufacturers from France and Russia have already made numerous trips to India to get us swayed to them.

Next Congress is not doing any circus. It is the left doing all the circus trying to stick to their age old ideology and fundamentalism. With this globalized world, I seriously don't see any base to their principles. China, the largest communist country has already started opening up lot of its economy to survive in the new world.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal