Wow...what an analysis!!! You say hes the weakest primeminister India has eva seen..I would say hes the strongest man India have eva seen and might eva are the reasons... Do you know why India's growth rate is around 7-8%??Jus cos this good man whom u said weakest...and do you know how India got that growth was due to this man's wise decisions...and to call out, BOLD decisions...the decisions which he DID'T find support from any quarter when he implemented them...but still was sure about it and needless to say it payed off...and u and i are reaping them...Now tell me who was India's boldest it cos he did a nuclear test???Dude....wake up...understand realities...that TEST alone drove india 10 years backwards..go n read stuffs...not bigoted ones writted by damn politicians.. many Indians have this kind of guts...2 say...i think this DEAL is correct..and u support it..or ELSE i'm gone...he can still hold on to his Kurchi(Chair) for another good damn year...neither you nor me...nor the commie...nor the BJP can do anything to him...but still he says...I'm sure..the DEAL is it or else I concede defat and i put in my papers..How many damn INDIANS have that kind of guts...'am sure 99% NOT.You guys jus CRIB about hypothetical neva eva dare to blabber that word WEAKEST against this HONARABLE PRIMEMINISTER...Hes a man of of will power and a man of honor...history w